Love Juice Yoni Soap with Botanicals, Sea Moss Extract, Honey and Silk Protein


About this Product

This luxurious soap is meticulously crafted to provide a refreshing and invigorating experience. The delightful blend of fresh orange, peach, apricot, jasmine, gardenia, and soft musk creates an enchanting aroma that lingers on the skin. Each bar is a work of art, featuring a unique design and a smooth texture without any harsh scratchy botanicals that could cause irritation.

Formulated in small, carefully monitored batches, this soap ensures the highest standards of quality and freshness. The hand-cut glycerin bars, weighing approximately 4.5 ounces, have been meticulously cured for at least 3 weeks, guaranteeing a longer-lasting product. Packed with premium ingredients such as aloe, argan oil, calendula extract, sea moss extract, honey, marshmallow extract, non-GMO sustainable palm, goat milk, silk protein, and sunflower extract, this soap leaves the skin feeling revitalized and nourished.

Indulge in the clean and captivating fragrance that this soap leaves on your body, exuding a subtle yet irresistibly alluring scent. Elevate your daily cleansing routine with this sophisticated and pampering soap, designed to leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and subtly seductive. 5 oz.

External use only.

Ultra Aromatics


Meet the Maker
